Sunday 9 December 2012

I'm a part of the Procrastination-Club

Actually, I might aswell be crowned as the Queen of the Procrastination-Club.
If you've read the title(I hope that nobody is actually reading this shit though), then you might have figured out what this blog entry will be about.
This blog entry is all about how much of a procrastinator I am. And yes, you've got it, I'm writing this blog entry instead of revising for my finals( that I'll most likely fail) or doing any of my homework that are due to this week.
Ok, so let's settle my schedule for this week:

 1. My math exam that will last for 4 hours will be held in 2 days, and my knowledge only lasts for writing a 2 sec test.
2. I have a biology test that I had 5 weeks to revise for, I haven't even opened the book yet, and I doubt that I will. The biology test will be held in 3 days.
3. I have to present an English article and I have to remember the whole presentation w.o any sheet papers within 5 days. I haven't even read the article yet.
4. I have a chemsitry test, and I fucking fail at chemistry. Also, I have to present something about chemistry, aaaand I haven't started with that either.
5. I have to present a 10min(!!!) long presentation about the human rights in China, aaaaaaaaaaand I haven't fucking started yet. Also, fucking yaaaay for having a scenefright and having to hold 3 presentations -_-''

Yepp, those are the things that I have to do within this week, isn't this just lovely? I actually have more things to do, but I don't worry as much for the other tests/homeworks,

Sunday 30 September 2012

Boredom and lack of motivation

As of today, I've made a blog for no particular reason other than that I'm bored out of my mind.
I'm supposed to prepare myself for a really important math test, that will take place tomorrow(FML), but I have yet to find motivation to do so -_-
I'll do anything to keep my mind off of the test.. Hell, I'm even making a silly blog even though I've told myself to never do so(since I'm not the type to spill out information about myself for everyone to see).
*cough* I'm a paranoid twat*cough*
But ohwell, it's not like I'll post in this blog ever again(unless I really do end up finding life pointless enough to write about).
 Oh and, I also made the blog because I've developed a love towards pink and floral stuff ever since I started obssesivly reading Xiaxue's blog 2 years ago<3 ./shameless fangirl scream
Also, I'm eagerly waiting for my room to get finished, so that I can settle in and create the ohsogirly princess room that I've wanted ever since I saw Xiaxue's room tour( I can't wait until we get to see her new house/room tour ;_;) ... but that won't happen anytime soon because the stupid workers that are supposed to change the floor+wallpapers of my room are lazy bums- that got fired by the owners of the apartment complex- because they haven't finished a single job since april, therefor they don't give a single fuck about fixing my room.. and thus I've had to sleep in the living room since of the third June -_- once again: FML.
Sigh, ohwell, I'll just go back to my isolated cave and watch The Incredibles, dubbed into german.. because I only like watching cartoons that are dubbed into german.. but that's a whole other story.. and I have no idea why I've written this much, so far, even though it is for no one to see.. blegh, I always ramble/talk too much about complete nonsense..
Here's a picture of how I feel atm(and probably will for the rest of my life):

Lf> a social life